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Lost Strains - Volume 1 : Vietnam Black

The country of Vietnam is 331,210 sq. km and is located in Southeastern Asia, bordering the Gulf of Thailand, Gulf of Tonkin, and the South China Sea, as well as China, Laos and Cambodia. The climate in Vietnam is tropical in the south and monsoonal in the north with a hot rainy season from May to September and a warm dry season from October to March. The terrain in Vietnam is low flat deltas in the south and north, central highlands and mountains in the far north and northwest. Vietnam at one time had a long history of cannabis cultivation. Which due to communist rule, has dwindled away the small cannabis varieties that lingered in the country. Most varieties have disappeared last seen in the early 2000’s.Varieties like Da Lat, Viet Black and so on, have all vanished in the following decades.

Vietnam Black: A large thin leaved jungle landrace cultivar sourced from the jungles of Vietnam, along the border with Laos from the north down to Laos southern border with Cambodia.. The high is very up, energizing, great euphoria and good feelings. It doesn’t have a ceiling, so the more you partake the higher you get. So, pacing oneself is a good idea.

The effects are speedy when the flowers are harvested fresh, but as the flowers cure and decarboxylate. The effects become more pronounced and psychedelic. The high is felt mostly in the head despite the increase in respiration and heart rate. Vietnam Black has a creeper effect which can still be felt coming on even after an hour from smoking, sometimes lasting many hours.

Some phenotypes are more energizing while others are intense and visual, hallucinogenic, can cause confusion, sweating, flushing and leave one uncomfortable if the smoker has indulged in a few too many tokes. The majority of the highs are visual, colorful, euphoric and extremely enjoyable.

Plants grow upright, in candelabra style or, with a long main stem with smaller lax side branches, but most plants grow into long colas from many small bract clusters. 14- 16 weeks of flowering for the faster phenotypes with some taking longer to finish. You may find a few faster finishing phenotypes as well. Make sure plants vegged and trained and roots grown well established before flowering any tropical or equatorial cannabis variety.

For a limited time - Vietnam Black seeds will be available from The Upper Vault Seedbank. Make sure you're a member of the mailing list to stay up to date on all preservations, heirlooms and new drops ~

- Writing and photography provided by Snowhigh Seeds / Legendary Genetix

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